Thursday, August 10, 2017

Novel Review Spring In London by Ilana Tan

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Title: Spring in London 
Series: Season Series # 4
Author: Ilana Tan 
Publisher: Gramedia Pustaka Utama  
Year of publication: 2010 
Page: 240 pages 
ISBN: 978-979-22-5376-4
Price: Rp 38.000

This novel tells a Jo In Ho or by his stage name, Danny Jo, a famous artist from South Korea. Initially, Danny asked his colleague, Jung Tae Wo, to become a model in his latest video clip. In the video clip, Danny is paired with Naomi Ishida, an artist from Japan. Naomi has a dark past so she tries to stay away from men who want to approach her. Danny also felt strange with Naomi's attitude to him, but there is no intention to harm the girl. But Danny tries to get close to Naomi slowly, and their relationship gets better.

One day Naomi meets Kim Dong Min, someone from her past, at a party. As a result of the meeting, Naomi's secret was revealed, it turns out Danny Jo's brother had sexually harassed her. Naomi becomes embarrassed by her condition and away from Danny. She also decided to go home to calm the mind.

After two years, Danny tried to find out where Naomi was without news after she disappeared from London life. Danny visits Naomi's home country and tries to find the address where the girl she lives. He really expects the answer to his love for this. After he found out Naomi's address was staying, he saw a girl who was alone with a man, he thought the girl was Naomi. Apparently the girl she saw was Naomi's twin sister.

The offer of Anna Jo, Danny's sister, to Naomi to become a model of her latest clothing product line was able to meet Naomi to meet again with the South Korean man. After two years apart they can meet again.

Spring in London is a novel that will make you smile while reading it. The romantic story of romance but embellished with a fairly complicated conflict is the attraction of the novel Spring in London. For you romance novel lovers with a light story then the novel Spring in London is mandatory for you to read.


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