Sunday, August 20, 2017

10 Unique Food from Bandung

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1. Cimol

Abbreviation of the name of this food is, aci digemul (starch) made of starch (starch), and formed a small round in such a way and will later expand itself, if fried. Same as fried baso, Bandung typical food is seasoned almost similar to spice basreng. However, this one feels very chewy, tasty and very tasty. Especially when served hot and accompanied by a cup of tea or coffee.

2. Siomay Bandung

Bandung typical food this one that we often encounter, starting at school, housing, roadside and also exist in the office. Siomay Bandung is made from fish meat, mixed with sago and more delicious with peanut seasoning. If you stop in Bandung, stop by Jalan Veteran Bandung, there is a very nice siomay commonly named Kingsley and has become a favorite among the community.

3. Bandros

Snacks or Bandung typical food this one made from wheat flour in adoni with coconut milk. Then, in cooking over the concave printing, after which given a sprinkling of grated coconut. Most delicious to eat while cooked and warm. This snack is priced at 3000/5 bandros.

4. Cireng

You must be familiar with this one food right. If not, first acquaintance with Bandung typical food of this one. Why called Cireng? Cireng (short for aci in fried "Sundanese word" for fried starch), this one snack is very popular in Priangan area which is sold in various form and price of different variations. This one snack is very famous in the '80s. For additional seasoning Cireng is from starch kanji, flour, pepper, water, powder, salt, soybean, green onion and cooking oil. Cireng this one delicious if eaten when warm and accompanied by a spicy sauce.

5. Batagor

This one menu is still close to the Siomay brothers. The abbreviation of batagor itself is (bakso tahu goreng), the uniqueness of batagor is after fried until the color is brownish. The ingredients of batagor making, which are fish batter and fried starch and added with peanut sauce and lime juice, will add delicacy when you eat it.

6. Combro

This snack is sometimes called comro or gemet which is a typical food from West Java. Combro is made of grated cassava formed round and the inside filled with oncom sauce, and then fried. That's why it's named after combro in Bandung typical food. Combro is short for oncom in jero (inside), in Sundanese. So is the case with gems, which is short for dage semet which means more or less the same. Bandung special food is better to eat while still warm.

7. Nasi Timbel

This rice is plain white hot rice, then wrapped in banana leaves, because wrapped in banana leaves it will cause a very distinctive aroma of Bandung typical food. And usually served with various additions such as tofu and fried tempeh, fried chicken, sambal and there lalapannya.

8. Cilok

With a round shape and chewy, run out in one voracious as well. Cilok Bandung typical food is also a favorite snack in West Java, especially in the city of Bandung. Although Cilok now more often found in the school area, but the plug or nickname "aci dicilok" has been a variety of innovations ranging from the shape and taste and price. Formerly only spiced peanuts, now you can taste with mayonnaise sauce with stuffing that vary its taste.

9. Karedok

Karedok- Is a typical Bandung food and original from Indonesia. The main ingredients for making these foods from raw vegetable ingredients include cucumber, bean sprouts, cabbage, green beans, basil leaves and eggplant. For his own sauce using peanut sauce made from red peppers, garlic, kencur, peanuts, acid water, sugar Java, salt and feels.

10. Surabi atau Serabi

The typical Bandung Surabi made from flour is so similar to pancakes. The difference is the surabi is made by burning on the stove and the dough is very thick. Equipment used to burn or make it, using a simple tool, ie with a furnace made of clay molding. This tool that makes this one food to be delicious and authenticity. For complementary you can choose mixing topping, namely topping jack fruit, cheese, chocolate, banana, durian or sausage. 


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