Sunday, July 30, 2017


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The are some factors that affect a presentation :

1. Ability to master the audience

Not enough just with the ability to speak and an interesting body language to master the audience, but also needs to be done controlling whether the audience is still with us or already soluble with their respective affairs. Many interesting things that can be done to master the audience, such as simulation, giving questions or discussions, giving video and so forth. The interesting thing is needed so that the audience does not feel bored when we see the presentation.

2. Do not talk on slides 

Many speakers are more looking at slides whose contents they already know rather than view the audience. Should speakers focus more eyes and attention to the audience, multiply the eye contact will make the presentation more interesting.

3. Ability to speak and body language

Some speakers provide keys and some tricks to present the presentation through engaging speaking skill and body language that attract the audience. How to speak is the main thing that becomes the focus of the audience when the speaker is presenting and also the style of body language that adapts to the spoken language. For example is Mario Teguh where he has a distinctive style that is enough to attract the attention of the audience. Therefore, the speaker must have a distinctive character in the spoken language and body language.

4. Show the enthusiasm 

In order for the listener to stay awake during the presentation session, the speaker should show encouragement while delivering the presentation material presented. Like Steve Jobs often use the word amazing, cool, and extraordinary when introducing various features owned by its flagship device at the time.

5. Describe the key points to be conveyed 

Before starting the presentation, it is better to explain to the audience how many important points to be conveyed in his presentation. Provide clear guidance at the beginning of the presentation and follow the outline of the lines we deliver, helping listeners more easily listen to the material presented.

6. Make numbers meaningful 

If you have data in the form of numbers that can support the presentation, use it to the optimum. Providing data through numbers, especially when the numbers are submitted is significant, will usually attract the attention of listeners and curious to keep listening.

7. Exercise or simulation

In order that the material presented can be presented smoothly, of course the exercise is very necessary. As an example of a successful presentation by Steve Jobs reportedly born from a dozen hours that he willing to train continuously the presentation of his presentation. Do not forget also important details, such as interesting slides or clearly readable posts as part of the preparation.

8. Master the material

Mastering the material means the speaker can choose the material to be emphasized and the material that can be removed to make the presentation more effective. Mastery of this material makes the speaker will be more comfortable at the time of presentation and make the presentation goes well.

9. En-soul the material to be delivered

Presenting a presentation is not the same as reading a poem, the speaker does not need to memorize the material to be delivered, each presentation requires two things, that is to live and have energy. This will be obtained if the speaker animates the material you are bringing.

10. Simple Background

The background used on each slide should be noted. Do not let any sentences that can not be read clearly because of the use of background that is too contrast.
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